Friday, May 11, 2012

Cranford Ultimate Summer League


Hey high school ultimate players!

Cranford Ultimate is proud to open up its 5th year of summer league! We want to make sure that everyone in the area knows about this great opportunity to play some summer ultimate.

Recent changes include becoming sanctioned by USA Ultimate and getting jerseys from 5ultimate for each team!

All high school players should know that you are absolutely welcome and can learn a lot from playing in summer league. Playing in CUFA is a great learning opportunity and a chance to have a great time playing ultimate this summer. While we want to get as many new players as possible, we are especially looking for more women, so if you are a girl please join and encourage others to do the same!

We will be doing a combination of a draft league and "core teams". Core teams are pre-submitted teams of approximately 10 players, the core team's captain then draft more players from the general draft pool to round out the rest of the roster. If you are interested in submitting a core team please submit any questions or a completed core team roster to If you are submitting a core team, you need to have at least 2 women on your roster.

Below is the link to the registration form, and remember, even if you plan on being core team you still need to register.

Registration will be open until the 30th, with teams being finalized by June 3rd. If you have questions or concerns about anything please feel free to email us at

CUFA runs the last week of June to the first full week of August. We have games every week on either Tuesday or Wednesday at 6. We also have pickup games on Thursdays at 6 and Sundays at 2 once the summer gets started.

Here is a link to our facebook group:

We hope to see some new faces this year!

- Casey and the rest of the CUFA team

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